Frequently Asked Questions

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Yes. Please call with make, model and serial number for your equipment. Parts must be paid for when ordered.

We typically have about 1 million dollars in inventory on hand at all times.

Yes. Please call or email for pricing and to schedule.

Not at this time.

Varies with the season and is parts dependent. See our pre-season service specials so that you don’t get caught in the seasonal rush.

We try to have loaners available on a first come first serve basis.

Yes, we would be happy to dispose of your old equipment when purchasing new. Some fees may apply.

We accept cash, personal checks, all major credit cards, and manufacturer financing programs.

Our normal rate is $119.50 per hour

Regular stocking parts can be returned with your receipt. Special order parts are subject to whatever restocking fee required by the supplier. Any used or electrical part cannot be returned.

We will notify you by phone if there will be a delay from the manufacturer on the parts needed to service or repair your equipment.

We do not accept trades, but we will do consignments. The unit needs to go through service and be evaluated.  Any repairs need to be paid for up front. We would establish a selling price and Seacoast Power gets 20% on the sale.

We are proud to feature products from such well-respected manufacturers. Please see brands page.

Our prices are very competitive. We are located in tax free NH!